Betas / Prototypes
There is some Evil Twin prototypes out there.
Playstation 2
The Project Deluge lot was initially released on March 20, 2021 by Hidden Palace. Among these prototypes, three are dedicated to Evil Twin:
- Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles (May 15, 2001 prototype)
- Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles (Jun 5, 2001 prototype)
- Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles (Sep 13, 2001 prototype)
Main technical details are:
- NTSC preview build
- A level selector in the early one.
EvilTwin Katana recovery [Bananabreak]
Dumped directly from a Sega Katana HDD and released by BANANABREAK on ASSEMblergames (rip). The release note say :
- There is a directory for the (canceled) USA version
- Some audio files in German (cut in the final version)
- A different title screen
- An extra cutscene missing from final release